“I fist-bump the discomfort hello, affix a name tag to their lapel (Mr Bother, Ms Utter, Mx Nonsense), and stuff them in the seed bank in the back of my car. In the garage. With the door to the house bolted.” Love the names!
Oh, but I do get something! As a member of Inlandia's 100 Rejections Club, I'm part of a community of creatives racing to receive 100 rejections in a year's time. Plus, each month we compete to see who's on top of the rejection heap. We make rejection FUN. So even form rejections are good good good. Wanna join us? More info here:
Gee I don't know. As a heavy contributor to magazines, and with a new novel in search of an agent, I may be already there. And I'm talking this year : ) But thank you. And thanks for standing up for writers.
“I fist-bump the discomfort hello, affix a name tag to their lapel (Mr Bother, Ms Utter, Mx Nonsense), and stuff them in the seed bank in the back of my car. In the garage. With the door to the house bolted.” Love the names!
Well said Erin. Go easy on yourself. One gets nothing from rejection, which is almost always a form email. This gives you nothing, so what can you do?
Oh, but I do get something! As a member of Inlandia's 100 Rejections Club, I'm part of a community of creatives racing to receive 100 rejections in a year's time. Plus, each month we compete to see who's on top of the rejection heap. We make rejection FUN. So even form rejections are good good good. Wanna join us? More info here:
Gee I don't know. As a heavy contributor to magazines, and with a new novel in search of an agent, I may be already there. And I'm talking this year : ) But thank you. And thanks for standing up for writers.